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IT Division annual conference and dinner 2008 (Collaboration with IT industry in the PRC: opportunities in Hong Kong and annual di

Date, time & venue

2008-04-25;;Room 601, HKCEC

IT Division annual conference and dinner 2008
(Collaboration with IT industry in the PRC: opportunities in
Hong Kong and annual dinner)

Date, time & venue

25 April 2008 (Fri); 9:00am; Room 601, HKCEC, Wanchai


Programme highlights

  • Government officials in charge of information technology from the PRC and Hong Kong will be invited to introduce the respective strategic plans in IT development;
  • Guest speakers from corporations will be invited to share their success stories in how solving the problems of IT development in the PRC can help their business operations;
  • The collaboration opportunities between Hong Kong and Shenzhen-representatives from IT professional associations in Shenzhen will provide an overview of the IT industry in the area. IT experts from Hong Kong and Shenzhen will discuss issues and problems arise from the deep collaboration in IT


Guest speakers from the PRC and Hong Kong



Conference: HK$1,600; HK$1,200 for early bird registration before 30 March 2008; HK$1,000 for group of five or more; HK$500 for HKIE Graduate Member Annual Dinner: HK$1,000; HK$600 for HKIE Member Full registration (both conference and dinner together): HK$2,400; HK$2,000 for early bird registration before 30 March 2008; HK$1,800 for group of five or more; HK$800 for HKIE Graduate Member


Registration & enquiries
For registration, please complete the Standard Reply Form and return it together with a crossed cheque made payable to "The HKIE-IT Division" to HKIE IT Division 2008 Conference Secretariat, Unit 301, The Center Mark, 287-299 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong. For enquiries, please contact the conference Secretariat at Tel: 2559 9973 or Fax: 2547 9528 or



IT Division annual conference and dinner 2008
(Collaboration with IT industry in the PRC: opportunities in
Hong Kong and annual dinner)

25 April 2008 witnessed the 3rd annual conference and 18th annual dinner of the IT Division. The two events were officiated by the opening speeches of Mrs Rita Lau, JP, Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development (Communications and Technology) of the HKSARG and Mr. Anthony Tan, CEO of Hong Kong Science and Technology Park respectively. As usual, red wine, singing and laughter concluded this big day of the IT Division.

“Collaboration with the IT industry in PRC: Opportunities for Hong Kong” was the theme of this year’s conference. The national as well as Shenzhen and Hong Kong’s IT development and strategy were reviewed. The conference then focused on the means to promote the core competitiveness of individual cities including software quality, IT alignment and outsourcing. How Hong Kong built up its current competitive advantages had attracted the most attention from the 136 delegates, and in particular the 80 mainland participants. One speaker attributed this to the culture of complaints of Hong Kong people as checks and balances! So let’s keep it up! 

Mr Anthony Tan, on the other hand, reminded us where to seek for angel investors and the capability of HKSTP in incubating IT firms. This was followed by the 181 audiences' endurance of the singings by our guests and committee members. The greatest surprise was probably the first lucky prize winner who received the biggest mini-PC (a DVD player instead)!

Lastly, we would like to thank our sponsors, the dedication of the organizing committee and all participants who have made this annual party a success. See you next year!

Mr. Dai Guo-Qiang, Deputy Director-General, Department for High and New Technology Development and Industrialization Ministry of Science and Technology, PRC giving a speech on Mainland IT Development and Strategy

Delegates listened attentively to Shenzhen-Hong Kong collaboration opportunities



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