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Robocon – Hong Kong Contest
Annual Mini Robocon Hong Kong
National Study Tour


Date, time & venue


(一) 上課日期、時間及地點

2015年11月4日至11月7日,早上 9:00 至 18:00,浙江大學。

(二) 交通及住宿


出發(11月3日)香港->浙江 HX126; 09:35; 11:50及
回程(11月7日)浙江->香港 HX127; 12:40; 15:10

晚上下榻浙大華家池校區附近東茂賓館,凱旋路451號(451 Kaixuan Road (Kaixuan Lu)) ^


(三) 課程內容及講者


(四) 費用 

港幣3050元#,包括指定航班往返香港及浙江機票費用 、住宿 一間單人房、學費及行政費用。


(五) 截止報名時間


(六) 報名方法及付款方法

請於截止日期 2015 年 10 月 2 日 (星期五) 下午三時正前

(1) 將已經填妥的報名表格副本電郵至 收,以及

(2) 將已經填妥的報名表格,連同劃線支票,抬頭寫「HKIE-ITD」,寄回:香港, 銅鑼灣, 紀利佐治街 1號, 金百利 9字樓, 香港工程師學會資訊科技分部信封面註明「 2015 香港工程師學會資訊科技分部專業考察團」收, 並於支票背頁寫上申請人姓名及聯絡電話。


(七) 取錄人數


(八) 證書

出席者可獲 18 小時之延續専業發展課程證書。

(九) 注意事項

1. 申請一經接納,所有已繳款項將不獲退還。

2. 課程參加者請注意人身及財物安全,任何身體損傷或財物損失,主辦機構概不負責。

3. 參加者填妥之表格內的所有個人資料,只供主辦機構作處理是次研修班之用。

(十) 查詢

如有任何查詢,請致電9127 2233,施禮華工程師洽。


By Ir Dr Vincent NG

The ITD National Study Tour has been successfully completed in Zhejiang University, Hanghouz during Nov 4 – 7, 2015. There were 20 IT professionals and HKIE members participated in the 4-day event, including the ITD Chairman, Ir. Dr. Vincent Ng. The study tour aimed to enhance participants' understanding of the nation's developments and recent strategies. It included seminars, visits to innovation centers and cultural functions.

The seminars were provided in the Qiushi Academy, Huajiachi Campus, Zhejiang University. The first seminar offered by Prof Guan was on traditional Chinese culture and management techniques. It followed by the speech of Prof Liu about the recent Belt and Road initiative and how we can contribute as a part of it. Prof Xu was the third speaker which provided us a good understanding of the recent eCommerce development in mainland China. Then we have Prof Gao to explain nomocracy to our participants. Participants proactively joined the seminar and raised many questions.

In one morning, our participants visited the Hangzhou High Level Overseas Innovation and Entrepreneur Center. We are impressed with the infrastructure, incubation schemes and current developments inside the center and they provide us a good reference for our own. During the 4 days, we have also visited different famous places in Hangzhou.

The Study Tour has provided participating ITD members to gain valuable experience and learn much through various arrangements. We must thank the great support from the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the training/management units of Zhejiang University.

Group Photo



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